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Digital Cards: Most eGift Cards are delivered to your Card Depot account instantly, but please allow up to 24 hours.

Physical Cards: Physical cards are shipped out on the next business day. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.

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  • 16% off
  • 16% off
  • 16% off
  • 16% off
  • 16% off
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Get ready to upgrade your wardrobe without overspending with our discounted Express gift cards. With a wide selection of stylish clothing and accessories, Express is the perfect destination for fashion-forward shoppers on a budget. And when you stack your discount Express gift card with an Express promo code or Express sale, you'll get even bigger savings. Our Express gift cards come in a variety of denominations, so you can choose the amount that works best for your budget. And with no expiration dates or fees, you can use your gift card whenever you're ready to shop. Shop now and start saving big on all your favorite Express clothing and accessories!